🥚 4-Ingredient Egg Salad Recipe 🥪 Quick & Delicious! (2024)

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If you are looking for an easy egg salad recipe, then you have come to the right place. This 4 ingredient egg salad is so good, and is perfect for picnics, poolside lunches and fancy tea sandwiches. It's a great salad to make if you have boiled eggs left over from Easter, and even if you don't...it literally only takes a few minutes to make!🥚 4-Ingredient Egg Salad Recipe 🥪 Quick & Delicious! (1)🥚 4-Ingredient Egg Salad Recipe 🥪 Quick & Delicious! (2)

For some reason, egg salad sandwiches take me back to when I was a kid. There is just something about a big pile of egg salad served on white bread that reminds me of lunches by our neighborhood pool. Now that I'm an adult, I also enjoy egg salad on a croissant. If you are trying to cut carbs, you can totally eat egg salad on a bed of lettuce or with some sliced avocado. It's funny...I don't really make egg salad during the fall and winter, but I always get a craving for it right around Easter time. I guess the thought of boiling eggs for dying reminds me of it or something. Once I make the first batch of it, I seem to keep it around all summer long. It's such a nice alternative to lunch meat sandwiches! Let me show you just how easy my egg salad is to make with only 4 ingredients...

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Easy Egg Salad Recipe

🥚 4-Ingredient Egg Salad Recipe 🥪 Quick & Delicious! (3)

Start with 8-10 chopped hard boiled eggs. I like to cook a large batch of Hard Boiled Eggs in the Instant Pot as seen HERE or you can boil them on the stove. HERE is a quick trick for Boiling and Peeling Eggs if you don't own an Instant Pot.

🥚 4-Ingredient Egg Salad Recipe 🥪 Quick & Delicious! (4)

I like to cheat and use my Vegetable Chopper Mandoline Slicer Dicer to chop my eggs quickly, but you can totally just use a knife ;)

🥚 4-Ingredient Egg Salad Recipe 🥪 Quick & Delicious! (5)

Add the eggs, ¼ cup of mayonnaise and 1 teaspoon of mustard to a bowl and mix together well, making sure to mash the yolks of the eggs a bit. If you don't like mustard, you can absolutely leave it out...I don't think you will really notice it though, it just adds a little bit of zing to the egg salad.

Next, mix in 2 tablespoons of sweet pickle relish, and salt and pepper to taste. If you prefer dill pickle relish, you can use that instead. If you don't have any pickle relish, just dice up a few of your favorite pickles and add them...easy, peasy!

🥚 4-Ingredient Egg Salad Recipe 🥪 Quick & Delicious! (6)

You can serve your egg salad on your favorite bread, croissants, crackers or on lettuce! Be sure to refrigerate any left overs!


🥚 4-Ingredient Egg Salad Recipe 🥪 Quick & Delicious! (7)

Easy 4 Ingredient Egg Salad Recipe

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  • 8-10 hard boiled eggs
  • ¼ cup of mayonnaise
  • 1 teaspoon of mustard
  • 2 tablespoons of sweet pickle relish


  1. Mix eggs with mayonnaise and mustard, making sure to mash the yolks of the egg while stirring. Add the sweet pickle relish as well as salt and pepper to taste, and stir again. Serve on bread or croissants with lettuce for a nice sandwich or serve on a bed of lettuce if you are avoiding carbs. Also great on crackers!
  2. Refrigerate.

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I love to Cook Hard Boiled Eggs in my Instant Pot. It's so easy to do, you can hard boil a ton of eggs at one time, and they always come out perfect! Don't have an Instant Pot? No worries...check out How to Cook Hard Boiled Eggs on the Stove and Peel Them in Seconds HERE! If you are interested in the Instant Pot, you can purchase one HERE!

🥚 4-Ingredient Egg Salad Recipe 🥪 Quick & Delicious! (10)

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🥚 4-Ingredient Egg Salad Recipe 🥪 Quick & Delicious! (11)

If you like eggs, but want something different than hard boiled eggs, you have to try my Easy Low Carb Egg Muffins! They are so easy to make in a muffin tin, and have quickly become a family favorite in our home!

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🥚 4-Ingredient Egg Salad Recipe 🥪 Quick & Delicious! (2024)


How to make egg salad that isn t watery? ›

Besides swapping regular onions for green onions or chives, there are other ways you can build up your egg salad's flavor and limit unsightly pooling water. Try adding spices, such as garlic powder or paprika; paprika is often dusted atop deviled eggs, so it would taste fantastic in egg salad.

Why does my egg salad taste bland? ›

Stir through and adjust by adding more mayonnaise if you like your egg salad creamier. Why does my egg salad taste bland? The simple reason may be that it's not seasoned enough. Add a little more salt and pepper to taste.

How can I thicken my egg salad? ›

To thicken egg salad, some cooks add mayonnaise or other thickeners, such as Greek yogurt or sour cream. Adding a few tablespoons of mayonnaise or other thickeners should do the trick. In addition to mayonnaise and other thickeners, some cooks like to add chopped vegetables and fresh herbs to their egg salad.

Do you chop or mash eggs for egg salad? ›

We like pieces between 1/4 and 1/2 inch big; the yolks will break smaller when you stir everything together. Egg Slicer: An egg slicer is a great way to chop hard-cooked eggs into small pieces. Slice them one way, then turn them the other way and slice again.

Why does my egg salad taste bad? ›

If left longer, it can develop dark spots and mold. You might also see little bubbles or fizzing when stirring the salad; these are also surefire indicators of microbial growth. If your egg salad looks fine but tastes sour or bitter, you should also throw it away.

How do you make the perfect runny egg? ›

Set your timer for 4-5 mins for runny/dippy eggs to serve with soldiers, or 6-7 mins for soft-boiled eggs for a salad. If serving in a salad, plunge the eggs into a bowl of cold water as soon as the timer goes off – this will stop them cooking and cool the shells quickly for peeling.

Why do I get an upset stomach after eating egg salad? ›

Food intolerance happens when the body is unable to digest certain components in food. People who have an egg intolerance may not be able to digest the egg whites or yolks, or both. With an intolerance, a person may experience digestive problems hours after consuming the offending food item.

How long should you boil eggs? ›

Put the pot over high heat and bring to a boil. Once the water is at a rolling boil, turn off the heat and cover the pot with the lid. Allow the eggs to sit in the hot water for the following times according to the desired doneness: 3 minutes for SOFT boiled; 6 minutes for MEDIUM boiled; 12 minutes for HARD boiled.

What do you serve with egg salad? ›

Consider a leafy green salad, potato chips, French fries, or coleslaw.

How long is egg salad good for? ›

Egg salad will keep for up to 4 days in the fridge. Of course, this is merely the foundation for a great egg salad. Change up the ingredients and seasonings, anything from paprika to cumin to celery salt, and there's no end to the ways that you can enjoy it.

What is the best tool for making egg salad? ›

I've found the best tool for mashing up eggs for egg salad is a grid-style potato masher.

Why is my egg salad runny the next day? ›

The egg salad itself can get watery after it sits for a while, though. To counter this tendency, make sure the eggs aren't overcooked, chill them well before chopping, and add a tablespoon of very fine bread crumbs to the salad. Your choice of bread can make or break an egg salad sandwich.

Why is my egg salad always watery? ›

If you're sure you haven't overcooked the eggs but are still seeing that watery puddle forming around your egg salad, it's likely the mayonnaise that's responsible. WebMD explains that the number one ingredient in light mayonnaise is water. The same goes for fat-free mayonnaise.

How do you fix a watery salad? ›

If neither more tuna, potatoes, nor eggs solves the problem, it's time to consider mixing in super dry, starchy ingredients. To soak up liquids like a sponge, pantry staples like pasta or even croutons are complete game-changers that will restore a soggy salad.

How do you thicken runny egg mayo? ›

If this happens to you, don't throw the mixture out quite yet -- there is a simple solution: egg yolk. Adding another raw egg yolk and whisking the mixture once again may be all you need to fix your homemade mayonnaise.

Why are my eggs watery? ›

Eggs that are old will have watery whites (this is usually why grocery store eggs are so thin and tasteless). High ammonia levels in the coop can cause watery whites, too, as can high temperatures.

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.