iPhone 14 Pro und iPhone 14 im Test (2024)

Always-On-Display, 48-Megapixel-Kamera und "Dynamic Island": Was das iPhone 14 Pro (Max) taugt und wem das iPhone 14 genügt.

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Die Zeit der massiven Sprünge von iPhone-Generation zu iPhone-Generation sind längst vorbei. Mehrere Jahre alte Geräte verrichten klaglos ihren Dienst, gegenüber den neuen Geräten gibt es oft nur geringfügige Abstriche bei Funktionen und Akkulaufzeit. Doch Apple feilt beharrlich an den Flaggschiffen und liefert von Modelljahr zu Modelljahr spürbare Verbesserungen. Überspringt man ein oder zwei iPhone-Generationen, wird der Unterschied gravierend: Zwischen Display und Kamera von iPhone 11 und iPhone 14 liegen Welten.

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Die 2022er-iPhones bieten Hardware-Verbesserungen, überarbeitete Kamerasysteme und spannende Sicherheitsfunktionen. Die Pro-Reihe führt sogar grundlegende Neuerungen ein: Mit Always-On-Display und dem "Dynamic Island" – einer Mischung aus Statusleiste und Multitasking-Bedienelement – dürfte Apple selbst manchen Besitzer eines 13 Pro zum Upgrade locken.

Die neuen iPhones 14 gibt es nur noch mit großem 6,1"- und noch größerem 6,7"-Bildschirm, jeweils wahlweise in der nun nochmals teureren Pro-Ausführung. Auf den schwachen Euro reagiert Apple mit einer deftigen Preisanpassung: Der Einstieg für ein iPhone 14 mit 128 GByte Speicherplatz liegt nun bei knapp 1000 Euro – das ist 100 Euro mehr als noch 2021, die Pro-Modelle sind 150 Euro teurer als im Vorjahr. Das Pro Max mit maximaler Speicherausstattung von 1 TByte knackt sogar erstmals die 2000-Euro-Marke. Das kompakte und bei seinen Besitzern beliebte 5,4"-mini hat der Hersteller 2022 nicht neu aufgelegt, die Verkäufe waren offenbar zu gering. Dafür bietet Apple mit dem iPhone 14 Plus erstmals ein 6,7"-Modell für jeden an, der einen riesigen Bildschirm ohne Pro-Aufpreis wünscht. Das 14 Plus wiegt laut Hersteller nur 203 Gramm und damit fast 40 Gramm weniger als das schwergewichtige Pro Max (241 Gramm).

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iPhone 14 Pro und iPhone 14 im Test (2024)


Which is better iPhone 14 or iPhone 14 Pro? ›

As you have seen, the main differences are in the camera and the screen. If you spend a great deal of time on your iPhone, watch content for hours on end, and especially if you love photography, the iPhone 14 Pro is the model for you.

Is the iPhone 14 Pro still a good phone? ›

To sum it up, the 14 Pro is pretty much a perfect phone, and with a USB-C port, it would be ideal. Should you get it in 2023? Absolutely! If you are deciding between a 14 Pro and a 15 Pro, I would say go with the 14 Pro and save some money.

What are the weaknesses of the iPhone 14? ›

The slow wired charging might not be efficient in the fast-paced digital world. The battery life of the iPhone 14 Pro Max is 3095 mAh is just okay. Android phones have innovated way ahead in terms of battery capacities.

Why is the iPhone 14 Pro discontinued? ›

As part of its annual tradition, Apple is ditching older iPhones to convince customers to buy its latest smartphones. The company has removed four iPhone models from its online store, including last year's flagship iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max.

Why is the iPhone 14 Pro so popular? ›

The big feature of the iPhone 14 Pro camera system is the new 48-megapixel main camera sensor. Apple's a few years late to this trend; Samsung has used 108-megapixel sensors since 2020's S20 Ultra, and Google added a 50-megapixel sensor to the Pixel 6 Pro last year.

Is the iPhone 14 Pro still good in 2024? ›

The battery backup is decent, and I hope the future update solves the battery-draining issue. Talking about updates, the iOS 17 update is great, and I really like the new features. Summing up, the iPhone 14 Pro is still a great device, and you can definitely go for it in 2024.

Is it worth buying iPhone 14 in 2024? ›

iPhone 14 is very good Device and have all kind of specifications, so you can use it more than 3 years without any problem. If you buy a iPhone 15 then you notice that there have no large changes both are the same. So please don't replace your iPhone 14 before 3 years.

When did iPhone 15 release? ›

The devices were announced on September 12, 2023, during the Apple Event at Apple Park in Cupertino, California alongside the higher-priced iPhone 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max. Pre-orders began on September 15, 2023, and the devices were made available on September 22, 2023.

Is the iPhone 14 Pro waterproof? ›

Apple iPhone 14 Pro

It has a rating of “IP68” which means it's fully protected from dust and can handle being underwater for up to 30 minutes at a depth of 6 meters. If your phone gets dropped in a puddle, a shallow pool, or wet from the rain, it will be just fine.

What are the major issues with iPhone 14 Pro? ›

Some of the most common iPhone 14 problems include; battery draining fast, device overheating, connectivity issues, and data transfer issues. Users have reported various issues in different iPhone 14 models.

What are the common iPhone 14 Pro issues? ›

For those keeping count, iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro buyers can add this problem to a list that includes iMessage and FaceTime activation issues, CarPlay, data migration and iCloud bugs, shaking camera lenses, random restarts, lock screen and Dynamic Island glitches, excessive battery drain and horizontal lines ...

Is iPhone 14 Pro fragile? ›

When the iPhone 14 Pro Max was dropped face-down on a sidewalk from six feet, it had bullseye cracks that appeared along the side and through a corner. However, dropping it on its back resulted in a completely shattered back panel, with missing chunks of glass, though the camera still worked.

Is the 14 Pro worth it over the 14? ›

For an extra $200 between the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro, you get much better performance, stronger telephoto capabilities, a brighter display, and enhanced photography prowess.

What is the difference between the iPhone 14 Pro and the iPhone 14 Plus? ›

Released in 2022, the iPhone 14 Plus is basically a bigger version of the iPhone 14. It has a bigger screen and a longer-lasting battery, but everything else is the same. It's also the same size as the iPhone 14 Pro Max, but lacks as good of a display (as well as the Dynamic Island) and camera system.

What's the difference between the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus? ›

Screen size: The iPhone 14 has a 6.1-inch screen, while the iPhone 14 Plus has a larger 6.7-inch screen. If you're used to a 6.4-inch screen size and prefer a larger display, the iPhone 14 Plus may be a better choice for you.

Which is better, iPhone 14 or 15? ›

iPhone 15: Processor. While the processor on the iPhone 15 is better in most ways than the iPhone 14's processor, it's a fairly incremental update in and of itself. Across a variety of tests and benchmarks, the A16 Bionic in the iPhone 15 outperforms the A15 Bionic in the iPhone 14 in every way.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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